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amavat Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zwycięska 45
53-033 Wrocław
53-033 Wrocław
In addition to the core services, we can offer further support at your request. If you would like to use the services (at any time), please contact your contact person. You are not required to use our additional services, these are purely optional. We are in the position as Tax Advisers to advise in any question around taxes in all countries we offer our services and to represent you as your tax adviser towards the local tax authorities.
Service description: | Fee: | Remark: |
General Tax Advising Services | EUR 170,– / hour | After a separate order |
Retroactive Reporting / Corrections of previous periods | EUR 150,– / per previous period / per country EUR 1.800,– per complete year / per country |
After a separate order |
Submitting company data changes to local tax authorities | EUR 100,– / per submission / pro country |
After a separate order |
Tax payment process | EUR 30,– / per transaction | After a separate order |
Application for an EORI number | EUR 150,– / per application | After a separate order Required for registration as an importer |
Setup of an import Tax Account | EUR 300,– / per setup | After a separate order |
Preparation of INTRASTAT declarations / returns | EUR 250,– / per declaration | After a separate order |
Supervision of sales with regard to the applicable Distance Selling Thresholds | EUR 15,– / per month | After a separate order For deliveries to such EU countries for which amavat® has no client agreement |
Monitoring of sales with respect to the respective INTRASTAT Reporting Thresholds | EUR 15,– / per month | After a separate order For deliveries to such EU countries for which amavat® has no client agreement |
Customizing of automatic monthly data transfer; Adaptation of our IT systems to the desired client data format | EUR 70,– / Hour / IT Experte amavat® |
After a separate order If no standard data feed can be generated according to our specifications, and you want to connect your IT system accordingly |
Speak to a Customer Relations Consultant for Online Sellers. An expert will respond shortly.